Jeffrey Kopcak


ARRL Ohio Section Technical Coordinator
Ohio Section Logo


More: Computers



Work Detail

Ohio Savings Bank


  • Intern
  • Desktop Support
  • Break fix
  • Server & Networking


  • POS Analyst/Developer: Escalations, Linux System Admin, everything
  • POS Analyst/Developer: Merchandise, Unix, Payments
  • InfoSec & Networking Sr Analyst: Integrations, NAC, Firewall, Web proxy, VPN

Ham Radio

  • Interested in amateur radio at a young age through my father, Tom N8ETP
  • Licensed right before my sophomore year of high school in 1999
  • Novice & Technician exams
  • General & Extra exams (2008)

Ham Radio

Computers, networking, & digital modes

  • Early VoIP, aka EchoLink
  • D-STAR, Fusion, DMR, AllStar, HamShack Hotline, NXDN, P25, Hams Over IP, AmateurWire
  • HF: mostly FT8 & Winlink. JT65, JT9, PSK, Olivia, SSB, FreeDV.
  • SDR
  • Mesh
  • DVMIS: linking 9 modes - 14 ham radio VoIP networks

More: On Air


More: Clubs and activities

And NOW...


ARRL Ohio Section: Technical Coordinator

ARRL Field Organization

The ARRL divides the United States and its territories into 71 administrative sections. Many sections are comprised of a single state, but a few of the larger states, such as Texas or California, are divided into two more sections.

The membership in each section elects a Section Manager (SM) once every two years. The SM is responsible for managing the Field Organization programs in their section. Through coordinators, the SM recruits ARRL volunteers to staff various crucial program areas.

ARRL: Structure

  • ARRL Officers
    • President, First & Second Vice President, COO, ...
  • ARRL Board Committees
    • Executive Committee, Administration & Finance, Programs & Services, Public Relations, DX, LoTW ...
  • Divisions
    • 15 Divisions
    • Director & Vice Director
ARRL Headquarters ARRL Divisions

imgs: About ARRL

ARRL: Structure - Sections

  • Section Manager (SM)
  • Section Traffic Manager (STM)
  • Section Emergency Coordinator (SEC)
  • Assistant Section Manager (ASM)
  • Technical Coordinator (TC)
  • Affiliated Club Coordinator (ACC)
  • Public Information Coordinator (PIC)
  • State Government Liaison (SGL)
  • Section Youth Coordinator (SYC)

Technical Coordinator

The ARRL Technical Coordinator (TC) is a section-level official appointed by the Section Manager to coordinate all technical activities within the section.

  • Supervise and coordinate the work of the section's Technical Specialists (TS)
  • Refer amateurs in the section who need technical advice to local TS
  • Encourage amateurs in the section to share their technical achievements with others through the pages of QST, at club meetings, hamfests, and conventions

Technical Coordinator

  • Be available to assist local technical program committees in arranging suitable programs for local club meetings, ARRL hamfests, and conventions
  • Promote technical advances and experimentation at VHF/UHF and with specialized modes, and work closely with enthusiasts in these fields within the section

Technical Specialist

For a section team to be effective in one of the most important arenas in Amateur Radio, technology, there must be a cadre of qualified, competent Technical Specialists (TS).

"Advancement of the radio art" is a profound obligation we incur under the rules of the FCC.

TSes help meet this obligation.

Technical Specialist

TS supports the TC in two main areas of responsibility:
Radio Frequency Interference and Technical Information.

Technical Specialist can specialize in certain specific technical areas, or can be generalists.

What does the Technical Coordinator really do?

Your guess is as good as mine.

What do the
Technical Coordinator
Technical Specialists

We play around with stuff!!!

§97.1 Basis and purpose

The rules and regulations in this part are designed to provide an amateur radio service having a fundamental purpose as expressed in the following principles:

(a) Recognition and enhancement of the value of the amateur service to the public as a voluntary noncommercial communication service, particularly with respect to providing emergency communications.

(b) Continuation and extension of the amateur's proven ability to contribute to the advancement of the radio art.

Section Manager's Goals

  1. I want every ham in the Ohio Section to get involved and have more FUN with their hobby than they ever thought possible!
  2. I want every citizen of the State of Ohio to be aware that YES – Amateur Radio still exists and it’s as much fun and more exciting than ever
  3. I want to see the hobby grow. New Hams, and new ARRL members. There is strength in numbers!

    - WB8LCD, OSJ 2021-06. First published OSJ 2021-02

TC Responsibilities

  • Review Technical Specialist applicants
  • Ohio Section Journal articles
    • Technical in nature, explain for non-techies
    • Computer topics for techies
    • Encourage and promote ideas
    • Devices, gadgets, projects
    • Reports from Technical Specialists
    • Upcoming meetings, hamfests, or events
  • Point of contact for technical and RFI requests
  • Available for meetings, hamfests, and conventions
WS8B - Antennas Last Front
N8EI - ARRL Field Day
N8EI - Allstar Explained
WS8B - The Origins of Electromagnetic Theory and the First
N8EI - NanoVNA
WS8B - Antennas for Emergencies
N8EI - Building Simple J-Pole
N8EI - DStar
N8EI & N8CD - Repeater General Overview
N8EI - FT8
W5UHQ - DX Band-Aids for our Spotless Sun
K8JTK - Introduction to NBEMS
N8EI - Beyond Baofeng
K8JTK - Slow Scan-TV
K8JTK - Raspberry Pi Presentation
N8EI - DMR Concepts Explained
WS8B - Intro to Radio Wave Propagation

Radio Frequency Interference (RFI)

ARRL Divisions


Troubleshooting HF Radio Frequency Interference

  • Determine if the noise source is internal
  • Shut off circuit breakers, all devices with batteries
  • Radio will need a battery source
  • Turn them on one breaker at a time until noise returns
  • Unplug all devices on that breaker and plug in until noise returns
  • Small AM radio may help in this situation

Troubleshooting RFI: External

  • Need loop antenna, spectrum analyzer, or portable HF receiver
  • Loop is bidirectional. Find null rather than peak.
  • Null indicates the noise is 90 degrees from the loop
  • May need to triangulate the source
  • Impossible with non-directional antenna (whips, wire)

Troubleshooting RFI: External

  • Keep good notes of findings and contacts
  • May never find source, no access to building or facility
  • Rule out everything else
  • Most owners/service technicians are willing to help out, to an extent
  • Contact utility companies
  • Always remain cool, calm, and collected

  • Can't find it? Need help?
  • Technical Specialists in the area
  • Referral to an ARRL technical resource

Troubleshooting RFI: Resources

Fldigi on the Raspberry Pi

Fldigi on the Raspberry Pi

How to: Running Fldigi Flmsg and Flwrap on the Raspberry Pi 2

What's next??

Half the time I don't even know...




Jeffrey Kopcak - K8JTK

- ARRL Ohio Section Technical Coordinator
- This presentation is available on my website:
- Ohio Section